The charges for services are reasonable. Usually, payment methods that conceal and safeguard the client's confidentiality are preferred; such as payment by cash. You are advised not to hand the money to the escorts by hand, place it where they can find it. Clients prefer escorts who are knowledgeable and who can engage in meaningful conversations. In private, the girls can please the customers in some crazy ways that you have never imagined. Walking around in public with the Indian escort in as they show you around the city will leave people gaping after you. They can dress up conservatively to depict an everyday housewife or girlfriend to everyone. When invited to overnight exclusive parties, they dazzle the place with tight sexy wear that leaves everyone envious of your new catch. Our girls are available for all Siliguri residents and visitors 24 hours a day. If you choose from a good agency like ours, you will find that Siliguri Girls are great and they give value for money.
The most attractive features of the services provided by our escorts include:
Evening date is a short time service that last for two to four hours. In our escort agency we have great escorts who can make up the right delightful mood for a evening.
Dinner date is considered for long time or overnight.The dinner date gives a oppertunity to understand our escorts in a better way and thus having a real Girl friend experience.
Get set for a lon drive with one of our gorgeous glamour model escort.Avail this service for a wonderful stay in the mountains of Darjeeling hills and nearby areas.